Amplifier Client & REDDIT founder Alexis Ohanian in Austin Wednesday, Come Hear Him!


We ran into Alexis (right) two weeks ago @ JFK Airport

Alexis Ohanian has done more before 30 than most people do in a lifetime.  In addition to co-founding powerhouse community Reddit, he’s created a thriving not-for-profit called Breadpig, acted as an angel investor to the likes of Hipmunk, Hubspot, Crowdtilt and helped stop antipiracy legislation on Capitol Hill.  Alexis’ most amazing achievement may be that despite his success, he remains one of the nicest people you will ever meet.

Alexis and his epic tour bus rolls in Austin this week. This Wednesday, he’ll be speaking at the University of Texas about his new book WITHOUT THEIR PERMISSION. 


If you live in Central Texas and care about entrepreneurship, the future of the Internet or making the world suck less, then don’t miss your chance to hear Alexis speak.  Here are the details.


Who: Alexis Ohanian

When: Wednesday, October 30, 2013 from 7-9:00 PM

Where: Burdine Hall Room #108 • 110 Inner Campus Dr Austin, TX 78712

Get Your Free Tickets Now

Alexis is no stranger to Austin. While this Brooklyn diehard isn’t quite shopping for houses, he did recently tell an interviewer another primary motivation for his stop in Austin.

“Austin is a hub for tech. There’s a tremendous tech community there and it’s nice to come without South By Southwest going on all around me. It’s also one of the largest universities in the nation so to reach such a large chunk of students is a great opportunity. I’m also coming for the tacos. I should make that clear.

He ain’t lying, he loves him some breakfast tacos!  Now sign up and get ready to listen to someone drop some science.